Wednesday, January 19, 2011


Often a times, we take the smallest things for granted. Remember to express gratitude to others. Even smiling is a gesture of gratitute. You never whom you will touch. Continue to help those in need because you never know you will touch. We are interconnected. I often remember to greet in the morning as I see people walking down the same street. Even to express gratitude to the person cleaning my building, office, the street where we live. I even try to make sure I deposit my trash in the trash can when I miss my shot to the trash can.

One day, at the end of teaching a power yoga class at the  Stroga studio. One of the student walked towards me and approached me to express their gratitude for an amazing class. I thought she might have a question about an asana. I paused to listen and ready to assist or adjust or demostrate. Rather she had words to say thank me for a wonderful class. She felt like I was talking to her. The hip opener asana, Pigeon pose, was able to help her, let go and focus on her breath. We often hold a lot of grudges on your hips, which makes the posture so hard. Sending your breathe to the lower helps to open the hip rather than focusing on the posture or judging why my hips or IT bands are so tight.

Gratitude is often express through gesture in many cultures. I also thank my student for allowing the opportunity to guide me in their yoga practice as well as letting share my knowledge. I express my gratitude everyday when I wake up for life here on earth, family, friends and even having another meal.

Just remembering to express gratitude for smallest things in your life is also yoga. In respective of the culture, gratitude is universal. I want to use this opportunity to thank all the people that influenced me directly or indirectly. I also to send my gratitude for all the gurus in my life for their teaching to make this world a better place. I want to thank my friends who accepts me for who I am. I want to send my gratitude to all the strangers who paused to give me direction. I want to everyone for allowing me to share this Universe with them even my subscribers. Thank you for your support and kindness.

I leave with this quote. As we express our gratitude, we must never forget that the highest appreciation is not to utter words, but to live by them.  ~John Fitzgerald Kennedy

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